Privacy Policy

The personal information you submit to will not be shared, sold, or otherwise disclosed to third parties except, when deemed necessary, to agents or companies providing services you have requested (such as a shipping carrier) or when required by law or court order.

What Information Does Beach House Books and More Collect?

1) Information You Provide. We receive and store the information you enter, such as your address, phone number, or email address. You can choose not to provide certain information, but then you will not be able to use some of the features on our website. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, improving our website, and fulfilling your orders.

Cookies. Like many websites, we use "cookies." Cookies are small files that we transfer to your device that allow us to recognize you and provide you with a customized browsing experience. For example, when Cookies are enabled, we are able to recognize that you have recently entered your username and password and thus avoid asking for it every time you reach a secured page. If you do not want us to use cookies, you can easily disable them by going to the toolbar of your web browser and clicking on the help button. Follow the instructions that will prevent the browser from accepting cookies, or set the browser to inform you when you receive a new cookie. Many features on our website will not work when cookies are disabled.

Other Information. Every computer connected to the Internet has an IP (Internet Protocol) address. IP addresses of computers used to visit this site are recorded. In addition, we automatically collect other information such as browser types, operating systems, and the URL addresses of sites clicked to and from this site, as do most other websites. This information is used strictly for internal purposes and is not made available to third parties except those that provide us with certain technical services (such as Cloudflare) or as required by law or court order.

How Does Beach House Books and More Use the Information It Collects?

To contact you. If you make a request that requires us to contact you, we will use the information you provide to facilitate that.

To ship to you. To send merchandise to you that you have ordered.

Law Enforcement. If we receive a lawful court order to release an account or other personal information, then we will comply with the law. We will also release information when necessary to protect the life, safety, or property of others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations, such as credit card processors, for fraud protection. We will not release customer information to any law enforcement agency or organization without a valid warrant or subpoena unless we are providing the information as part of an investigation of a crime committed or believed to have been committed against Beach House Books and More, one of its customers, one of its employees or another person or organization with which we have some affiliation.

To improve our site. We provide certain information to third-party vendors, such as Cloudflare, in order to learn what features our customers like and where we might need to improve our services. This information may include click activity, orders, general location (e.g., what city you're in), and how you were referred to our site. When this type of information is provided to third parties, all personally identifiable information, such as your name and contact information, is automatically removed from the data set.

How Does Beach House Books and More Protect the Information It Collects?

We utilize TLS/SSL encryption. We use industry-standard encryption called Transport Layer Security or TLS to protect your information as it travels across the Internet. Encryption is available and enforced on all areas of our site. Most browsers display a "lock" symbol in the address bar when TLS is in use.

We use a firewall. We use firewalls and other technologies to restrict access to our systems and reduce the risk of unlawful intrusion.1) We utilize TLS/SSL encryption. Furthermore, we use industry-standard encryption called Transport Layer Security or TLS to protect your information as it travels across the Internet. Encryption is available and enforced on all areas of our site. Most browsers display a "lock" symbol in the address bar when TLS is in use.

We limit access. Access to your personal information within our organization is handled on a "need to know" basis; employees are not permitted to view customer information if it is not relevant to their normal duties.

We use secure storage. Our servers are housed in secure facilities, and we use various technological methods to protect your data. Nobody can guarantee data security, but we make every reasonable effort to safeguard the information entrusted to us.

Shipping Policy
Thank you for visiting and shopping at Beach House Books and More. Below are the terms and conditions for our shipping policy:

Domestic Shipping
All orders are processed within 2-3 business days. Orders are not processed or shipped on weekends and holidays. If we are experiencing a high volume of orders, shipments may be delayed by a few days. Delivery delays can occasionally occur.